
import mods.dropt.Rule

For more information, see:


Rule debug();

Enable logging debug output for this rule.

Make sure to disable this when you're done using it. It can create a significant amount of output in the Dropt log.

For more information, see:

Rule matchBlocks(string[] blockStrings);

Describes which blocks this rule will match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchBlocks(string type, string[] blockStrings);

Describes which blocks this rule will match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchDrops(IIngredient[] items);

Describes which dropped items to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchDrops(string type, IIngredient[] items);

Describes which dropped items to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchHarvester(Harvester harvester);

Describes criteria about the harvester to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchBiomes(string[] ids);

Describes biome id's to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchBiomes(string type, string[] ids);

Describes biome id's to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchDimensions(int[] ids);

Describes dimension id's to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchDimensions(string type, int[] ids);

Describes dimension id's to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchVerticalRange(int min, int max);

Describes a vertical range to match.

For more information, see:

Rule matchSpawnDistance(int min, int max);

Describes a range to match against distance from spawn.

For more information, see:

Rule matchSpawnDistance(string type, int min, int max);

Describes a range to match against distance from spawn.

For more information, see:

Rule replaceStrategy(string strategy);

Describes if and how the drops will be replaced.

For more information, see:

Rule dropStrategy(string strategy);

Describes how drops will be selected from the weighted picker.

For more information, see:

Rule dropCount(Range range);

Describes how many times the weighted picker will be queried for drops.

For more information, see:

Rule addDrop(Drop drop);

Add a drop to this rule.

For more information, see:

Rule fallthrough(boolean fallthrough);

Continue matching rules after this rule if this rule is matched.

For more information, see: