Block Strings

Block strings are the strings used to describe which in-world block states a rule matcher should look for.

// ZenScript
// json
"match": {
  "blocks": {
    "blocks": [
// Java API
.matchBlocks(new String[]{"minecraft:quartz_ore"})

The strings provided in the match descriptors above are not item strings. Block strings describe an in-world block state and can deviate from what you would expect.

For example, the block strings for logs and furnaces have a different meta value depending on which direction they're facing and leaves have a different meta value depending on their decay state.

If you are trying to match a block with a complex set of in-world block states, there are some things you can do to expose the strings you need to use for the given block: F3, /dropt verbose, and Rule Debugging.

Using F3

Press F3 to activate the debug menu and check on the right-hand side, near the bottom of the text. You should be able to see the in-world block state of the block you're looking at.

Using /dropt verbose

Alternatively, Dropt has a command, /dropt verbose, that will log the block string of any broken block to the chat.


/dropt verbose only works if the block is broken in Survival mode.

Using Rule Debugging

Debugging enables you to look at a rule and determine why it is or isn't matching.

See Debugging for details.